Felix Jamieson is an young British actor who was born on August 28, 2007 in England, United Kingdom. He portrayed Winter Town Boy character in Game of Thrones (TV Series 2011–2019) and played the role Paul, the biological son of Marcus and Sue, raised by Caleb and Mary as their own child in Raised By Wolves Tv series. He also acted in The Ghost (2018)
Date of Birth | August 28, 2007 |
Age | 15 years (As in 2023) |
Birthplace | England |
Occupation | Actor |
Years active | 2018-Present |
Nationality | British |
Net Worth | $1 million (Approx.) |
Felix is just 13 years old boy who started his career at a very young age. He began his journey from 2018. He is one of the youngest famous child- actors in Hollywood. He is best known for his exhibition in motion pictures and arrangement like ” Game of Thrones” (2011), “The Ghost” (2018) and the film “Raised by wolves” (2020). He has played the role of Paul on ‘Raised by Wolves’, Alexander on ‘Catherine the Great’, Young Anthony on ‘Summer of Rockets’.
Felix was featured in a film in 2011 through “Round of Thrones”.
He has worked top-rated series and movies and has earned some coins. However, his actual and exact net worth has not been disclosed yet, but it is guessed to be around 1 million dollars. At a very young age, Felix has a huge group of supporters behind him.
He gained much popularity and people love his acting from the bottom of their hearts.
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