Masud Rana is a fictional character created by Kazi Anwar Hossain, a popular Bangladeshi novelist. Beginning with the first volume of the cover of Destruction Hill in the year 1966 , more than four hundred espionage books have been published in the Masud Rana series, from the service publication to the Masud Rana series.
Quick Facts
Name |
Masud Rana
Author | Kazi Anwar Hossain |
Cover artist | Ismail Arman |
Country | Bangladesh |
Subject | Thriller |
Style | Detective / Mafia / Adventurer |
Although the first two books in the series are basic, there is an abundance of books written in English and other languages. Masud Rana, the character of the Ian Fleming created James Bond character was created as a Bengali version. But now the series is on its way to retaining its own place in the world of Bengali books.
Masud Rana‘s first book is a six-month long labor harvest by Kazi Anwar Hossain. He wrote a novel about his time traveling on a motorcycle in Rangamati. And it is the story that turns Bengali literature. Because Masud Ranai is the first character in Bangla literature which is a character of Bangladesh but has made a global appearance.
Masud Rana is a former Major of the Army and amember of thefictional organization Bangladesh Counter Intelligence , and his signature name is MR-9. Besides Rana Agency , an intelligence organization operates Rana. It should be noted thatbefore the independence of Bangladesh , the books mentioned in the earlier books were referred to as PCI or “Pakistan Counter Intelligence”.
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